Category: Resources

Psalms 73:23-24 . Prayer is a tie, a relationship between man and God. Therefore, it is not just talk, it is a heart connected to a heart. Prayer is a feeling of being in the presence of God. It is a partnership with the Holy Spirit and unity with God. – Pope Shenouda . #DailyReadings #Coptic #Orthodox #Prayer #Glory #GodIsWithUs #Counsel

Psalms 73:23-24 . Prayer is a tie, a relationship between man and God. Therefore, it is not just talk, it is a heart connected to a heart. Prayer is a feeling of being in the presence of God. It is a partnership with the Holy Spirit and unity with God. – Pope Shenouda . #DailyReadings …

“Egypt receives and preserves Him, driven from His home, and plotted against, and obtains a sort of first impulse towards her union unto Him; so that when in after-time she should hear Him preached by the apostles, she might have this at least to glory of, as having received Him first.” St John Chrysostom #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #EntryofHolyFamilytoEgypt #blessedisEgypt

“Egypt receives and preserves Him, driven from His home, and plotted against, and obtains a sort of first impulse towards her union unto Him; so that when in after-time she should hear Him preached by the apostles, she might have this at least to glory of, as having received Him first.” St John Chrysostom #dailyreadings …

“The Lord is hidden in His own commandments, and He is to be found there in the measure that He is sought.” St Mark the Ascetic #DepartureofStJohntheEvangelist #StJohntheBeloved #keepingGodscommandments #abidinginGod #coptic #orthodox #dailyreadings

“The Lord is hidden in His own commandments, and He is to be found there in the measure that He is sought.” St Mark the Ascetic #DepartureofStJohntheEvangelist #StJohntheBeloved #keepingGodscommandments #abidinginGod #coptic #orthodox #dailyreadings