“He who is unable to deliver a sermon, is able to be a sermon; the sermon offers a theoretical teaching, and the good example offers a teaching in practice.” Pope Shenouda III #DepartureofStPaultheFirstHermit #AnbaPaul #Saints #preachwithyourlife #GospelofPeace #gladtidings #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
Man is very harsh in his dealings. We sometimes become easily angry with our friends and from the least behaviour cut our relation with them, forgetting the former love between us. We become intolerant quickly and cannot endure. One action from people makes us unjustly judge their whole life and not change our minds. But …
“Trust that He who brought Jonah out of the belly of the whale after three days, will surely bring you out of the depths of affliction” – H.H. Pope Shenouda III #fastofnineveh #jonahsfast #jonah #Hehasansweredme #outofthedepths #Hewillsaveme #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“The Lord calls for love even towards enemies, so it is not enough to bear with your enemy. What is more, to love them is the higher calling.” – Pope Shenouda . #LoveYourEnemies #Strength #CopticOrthodox #DailyReadings #Orthodox
“The word of God is a spring of light. The light therefore fills, and the light shines, and illumines the senses of the faithful. For from Him and in Him shines, and those who partake of Him shine. And He does not only enlighten the minds of the faithful, but grants the name of light.” …