Now I realize that I am not just one among billions! I am the object of Your love and personal care! My sin cast me on the road, like a discarded trash! No one to look at me or ask about me! No one to carry me out of the mud of the road and …
Do you deny yourself? Look at whom you have given what you denied yourself? How many poor got fulfilled by the food which you denied yourself? St Augustine . . #givecheerfully #fastpraygive #considerthepoor #coptic #orthodox #dailyreadings #lent
Moses said, ‘Who am I to go before Pharaoh?’ Although I have a royal title, I will not be received by him. And now that I do the work of a simple shepherd, who will allow me to go before Pharaoh? And even if I were let in, what importance would he see in me …
“For indeed He came to do away with the old things, and to call us to a greater country. Therefore He does all, to deliver us from things unnecessary, and from our affection for the earth…. For we were not born for this end, that we should eat and drink and be clothed, but that …
“Continually examine yourself and ask: Where am I now from the Lord’s commandment, ‘Be perfect…’ ?” – H.H. Pope Shenouda III #beperfect #love #patience #overcomeevilwithgood #greatlent #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox