Category: Resources

Seek Faith

St. Paul the Apostle says, “Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Prove yourselves. ” (2 Cor. 13:5).    The faith here is not that of the mind or just the name; it is the real faith, a life-style that one lives in God and shows in all his deeds and all …

You Yourself Be Good News

People need one who makes them happy and alleviates their troubles. With the hope that he has, he can let in light to shine amidst their tribulations making them disappear and giving a new hope…  You too, be like that. If you have a joyful word, give it to people. If you have inconvenient word, …

The Contrite Prayer

There are many characteristics that distinguish a spiritual prayer. One of these is to pray with faith and humility, with understanding, concentration, love, depth and warmth. It is a prayer from the heart, not only from the lips. We would like to talk now about prayer from a contrite heart.

Do Not Resist Evil

In the Sermon on the mountain, the Lord said, “But I tell you not to resist evil.” (Matt. 5:39). That was said with regard to being subject to aggression, so one should not revenge for himself. In the same regard, St. Paul the Apostle said, “Repay no one evil for evil. do not avenge yourselves. …

Wheat and Tares

God has sent you to the earth to spread goodness. As for the evil that is on the earth, leave it and do not resist it.  It is a wise policy that the Lord gave us in the parable of the tares in Matthew 13. His servants asked Him, “Do You want us to go …