Reveal yourself to Him, who knows you… so that He would reveal Himself to you, who do not know Him- St Augustine . . #repent #turntoHim #wholeheartedly #withtears #revealyourselftohim #drawneartohim #hewilldrawneartoyou #confess #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #fasting #lent #orthodox
“You are light. Sin is darkness. And light is capable of extinguishing the darkness… Do you have this spiritual awesomeness which disperses the darkness from around you? Does your mere presence make the people around you unable to utter idle or unsuitable words or behave unfittinglly? Does your presence make them feel that you bring …
“The door is narrow and the way is difficult but the city is full of lights, joy, and happiness.”- St. Macarius the Great #enterbythenarrowgate #enterintothejoyofyourLord #leadusnotintotemptation #greatlent #lent #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
He had previously shown us that judging others is utterly wicked and dangerous. It causes final condemnation. Do not judge, He said, and you shall not be judged. Do not condemn, and you shall not be condemned. By conclusive arguments, he persuades us to avoid the very wish of judging others. Deliver yourself first from …