“Make the effort to rise from the ground. Remember the good Shepherd who will follow and rescue you… Remember the mercies of God and how He cures you by pouring on oil and wine. Do not despair of salvation. Recall your memory of how it is written in the Scriptures, that he who has fallen rises, …
Nothing brings the heart back to wisdom like sorrow; and nothing is sweeter than the pious sorrow. – St Gregory of Nyssa . . #godlysorrow #repent #forgiveness #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #lent
Fasting these forty days and nights, holy Moses too merited to speak with God, to stand and stay with him and to receive the precepts of the law from his hand. For although this human condition prevented him from seeing God, yet the grace of his fasting drew him into close contact with the Divinity. …
“Nothing in this world can distress or perturb me, for I take refuge in the impregnable fortress of the Church. I am reassured in the bosom of God’s mercies. Comfort and blessing continuously flows from Him. The Lord’s grace flutters its wings and casts away all sadness, and heals the heart with its indescribable balm. …
Christ is not valued at all, unless He is valued above all – St Augustine . . #seekonething #seekhim #aboveall #beautifulone #dwell #coptic #orthodox #dailyreadings #lent #holybible