When sickness or troubles surround a child, his father and mother show more love to him and give him more attention; likewise, when tribulations surround a believer, God and the church are more compassionate toward him. – Fr Tadros Malaty . . #suffering #faithfulGod #compassion #heknows #hehears #hesees the #troubles #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodoxy #lent #lentjourney
Do good when you remember, and what you forget will be revealed to you; and do not surrender your life to blind forgetfulness – St Mark the ascetic Our life and our death are with our neighbour- St Anthony . . #dogood #daily #serve #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #lent
He honored the Father all the more, not that you may honor him less but that you may marvel all the more. Here we learn that he is truly a son who honors his father more than all else. No one could have honored God the Father more than God the Son. The measure of …
“Christ, whom we preach in the whole world, is not a Christ adorned by an earthly crown, nor a Christ rich with worldly treasures and earthly possessions; But He is a crucified Christ, who was despised, and still is, by all the haughty nations and peoples; Yet, at that time, has been the subject of …
“By gentleness you can win even an enemy; by violence you can lose even a beloved” – H.H. Pope Shenouda III “They will be blessed, not only when they practice the good works, but also when they inspire the others to do likewise.” – Ambrosiaster #gentleness #goodworks #fruitofthespirit #YouAreTheBibleToOthers #greatlent #lent #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox