Be confident that the fear of God is the path that leads to love. – Pope Shenouda . #FearGod #Coptic #Orthodox #Blessed #WeAreBlessed #FearTheLord #Fear #CopticOrthodox #HolyWeek #Pascha
“Blessed is God! In our time as well martyrs have come forth, and we have been made worthy to see people sacrificed for the Lord Christ, people who shed their holy blood to irrigate the entire Church. We have been made worthy to see people, advocates of piety, who are victorious, who are crowned……and we …
“Now there was never any king, simultaneously just, a redeemer, gentle and seated on a donkey who came to Jerusalem, unless this is He who alone is King of kings, God the Redeemer, Jesus. He is kind, gentle and abundant in mercy for all those who call upon Him, as it is written.” St. Severus …
“When The Lord Jesus Christ raised him from death, they became sure that nothing is impossible.” – H.H. Pope Shenouda III #lazarus #lazarussaturday #dailyreadings #coptic orthodox
“And I tell you”, He says, “you will not see me until you say, ‘Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord.‘” What does this mean? The Lord withdrew from Jerusalem and left as unworthy of his presence those who said, “Get away from here”. And after he had walked about Judea …