Category: Resources

“We cannot find God, unless we find Him in our own hearts” St Augustine. . . #Godwithin #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #holy50days

“We cannot find God, unless we find Him in our own hearts” St Augustine. . . #Godwithin #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #holy50days

“Find Jesus at the door of your heart and you will discover paradise.” St John Chrysostom #eternallife #inChrist #SonofGod #HolyFifty #Christisrisen #TrulyHeisrisen #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox

“Find Jesus at the door of your heart and you will discover paradise.” St John Chrysostom #eternallife #inChrist #SonofGod #HolyFifty #Christisrisen #TrulyHeisrisen #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox

“By saying: “… you believe in God, believe also in Me”, the Lord intends to say that ‘all these difficulties will surely pass away since by having faith in Me and in My Father you become far more powerful than all the hardships that you will encounter. That faith will shield you from being conquered by any evil. St John Chrysostom #letnotyourheartbetroubled #believe #FaithinChrist #HolyFifty #Christisrisen #TrulyHeisrisen #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox

“By saying: “… you believe in God, believe also in Me”, the Lord intends to say that ‘all these difficulties will surely pass away since by having faith in Me and in My Father you become far more powerful than all the hardships that you will encounter. That faith will shield you from being conquered …

“Therefore, the way is itself God’s ultimate power. Since the Lord Jesus Christ is our way; and He is the good way, then He is the way that opens up the heavenly kingdom to believers. The Lord is the initiator of our virtue and the beginning of purity.” – St. Ambrose #Iamtheway #Heistheway #power #initiatorofourvirtue #beginningofpurity #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox

“Therefore, the way is itself God’s ultimate power. Since the Lord Jesus Christ is our way; and He is the good way, then He is the way that opens up the heavenly kingdom to believers. The Lord is the initiator of our virtue and the beginning of purity.” – St. Ambrose #Iamtheway #Heistheway #power #initiatorofourvirtue …