Do not say ‘I am hated, and that is why I do not love’ for this is why you ought to love most – St John Chrysostom . . #loveyourenemies #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #overcomeevilwithgood
“Live in hope, and wait on the Lord, and rejoice in Him and in His works.” – H.H. Pope Shenouda III #rejoice #rejoicealways #joy #joyful #ApostlesFast #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“There is no gift of God more excellent than this. It alone distinguishes the sons of the eternal kingdom and the sons of eternal perdition. Other gifts, too, are given by the Holy Spirit; but without love they profit nothing. Unless, therefore, the Holy Spirit is so far imparted to each, as to make him …
“But he who thinks rightly of Him, asks in His name, and receives what he asks, if it be not against his eternal salvation; he receives when it is right he should receive; for some things are only denied at present in order to be granted at a more suitable time. Again, the words, He …
I will rejoice in hearing Thee, not in speaking against Thee. Thou hast sinned, why defendest thou thyself? Thou wilt speak: suffer thou; hear, yield to divine words, lest thou be put to confusion, and be still more wounded: sin hath been committed, be it not defended: to confession let it come, not to defence. …