Category: Resources

34 Examining and Preserving Your Self and Conscience

Be like a smart merchant who audits his books and by the end of the day he knows what he …

35 Working and Not Being Lazy

Avoid idleness, and flee from laziness, for laziness is a laboratory for the devil. Make every effort and be hard …

36 Self-Control and Restraining Lusts

No matter how valuable and perfect virtue is, it is difficult for its seeker to victor, unless he can conquer …

37 Conquering One’s Ego Promotes the Soul to a Higher Level of Spirituality

The soul rejoices, knowing that it progresses to spirituality. But man’s will is weak and the body prevents the spirit …

38 Is the Body Your Enemy?

Look at how many times your body’s desire fought you? How many times did it actually cause you to fall? …