Category: Resources

Understanding the Liturgy: Communion

In the early Church, communion was approached in the following way, Coming up to receive, then, do not have your …

Understanding the Liturgy: The Intercessions

Intercessions are prayers on behalf of others. St. Paul tells his disciple Timothy, “I exhort therefore, that first of all, …

Understanding the Liturgy: The Blessing of the Elements

Introduction: The prayers of the blessing of the elements begin with the Institution Narrative, the story of the first Eucharist …

Understanding the Liturgy: The Liturgy of the Faithful

Introduction: The Liturgy of the Faithful follows the same steps the Lord followed in the Last Supper. By reviewing the …

Understanding the Liturgy: Mercy, Peace, the Sacrifice of Praise

“Offer in order, stand in trembling, look towards the East.” With this exhortation the deacon signalled the people (in older …