Category: Contemplations

“Therefore, the way is itself God’s ultimate power. Since the Lord Jesus Christ is our way; and He is the good way, then He is the way that opens up the heavenly kingdom to believers. The Lord is the initiator of our virtue and the beginning of purity.” – St. Ambrose #Iamtheway #Heistheway #power #initiatorofourvirtue #beginningofpurity #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox

“Therefore, the way is itself God’s ultimate power. Since the Lord Jesus Christ is our way; and He is the good way, then He is the way that opens up the heavenly kingdom to believers. The Lord is the initiator of our virtue and the beginning of purity.” – St. Ambrose #Iamtheway #Heistheway #power #initiatorofourvirtue …

“By man death has gained its power over men; by the Word made Man death has been destroyed & life raised up anew.” St. Athanasius . . #walkinthenewnessoflife #coptic #orthodox #dailyreadings #holy50days

“By man death has gained its power over men; by the Word made Man death has been destroyed & life raised up anew.” St. Athanasius . . #walkinthenewnessoflife #coptic #orthodox #dailyreadings #holy50days

If you have companionship with pleasant people and you visited those who have wisdom, you would gain a lot of their habits and good deeds. How much would you gain from visiting God… who would get close to a fire and not feel it’s heat?! Through prayer your mind would be enlightened, your heart would be cured and your conscience would be cleared. – Pope Kyrillos . . #looktoHim #webecomewhatwesee #prayer #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #holy50days

If you have companionship with pleasant people and you visited those who have wisdom, you would gain a lot of their habits and good deeds. How much would you gain from visiting God… who would get close to a fire and not feel it’s heat?! Through prayer your mind would be enlightened, your heart would …