“Do not worry and despair if you feel the weight of your previous sins, because Christ’s mercy is boundless. Even if your sin is great, yet Christ’s mercy is even greater. With His grace the sinner is justified, and the bondsman is released. But know for sure that the faith in Christ is what equips …
“How is it proved that we love the fellowship? Because we do not split unity; because we keep love.” St Augustine of Hippo #honourall #loveall #unity #brotherhood #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
He knows your problems and your needs. He follows your wars with Satan, your relationships with people, and the feelings of your inner self. He comprehends well the state that you are in, from every angle, all the complications that come before you and the rising up of enemies, hidden and manifest. He listens to …
“The Christian prays while he walks, while he talks, while he rests, while he works or reads: and, when he meditates alone in the secret retreat of his own soul, and calls upon the Father with groans that are no less real because they are unspoken, the Father never fails to answer and draw near …
It is good that you say that you love God. But your love for Him manifests in your labour for His sake… and He will reward you for the love and for the labour. – Pope Shenouda lll . . #coptic #orthodox #dailyreadings #labourinlove #lovemanifestedinworks #lovinggodinman