“It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels.” – St. Augustine #humble #humility #dailyreading #coptic #orthodox
As a man you are destined to die. Put it off as long as you like, the thing so long delayed will come at last. There is however another death, from which the Lord came to deliver us: eternal death, the death of damnation with the devil and his angels. That is the real death; …
“Let it be known to people everywhere that the Lord is God, and even though he appeared in a form like us, yet has he given us the indications of a godlike power and majesty on many occasions and in a multitude of ways. He drove away diseases and rebuked unclean spirits. He gave the …
“Paul asks us to become dead to the world,, and this deadness is of benefit to us,, because it is the beginning of new life.. So also he bids us become foolish toward the world,, thereby introducing us to true wisdom..” – St. John Chrysostom #befoolstobecomewise #deadtotheworld #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“by do not fear, he means that they must believe that certainly and without doubt their heavenly Father will give the means of life to those who love him.. He will not neglect his own.. Rather he will open his hand to them — the hand which ever fills the universe with goodness..” – St. …