“Repentance is the change of the inward heart’s direction and also the thought of all man’s potentialities… In other words, when man refuses iniquity and all what is foreign to God, he is then blessed with the heavenly Lord Himself, and all what he has of blessings, gifts that are satisfying.” ~ Fr Tadros Yacoub …
“Our relationships with others are merely subsidiary and superficial relationships; all the importance lies in our relationship with God. Our relationships with others will occur as a result of our relationship with God.” H.H Pope Shenouda III #TrueLove #inChrist #truerelationships #Godfirst #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“The whole of your life does not equate to a twinkling of an eye if compared to eternity which has no end. What is the whole of your life on earth but a preparation and readiness for that eternity, the life of immortality? It is for you then to be convinced of the importance of …
“For the grace of God would not be grace in any way unless it were gracious in every way.”-St Augustine #orthodox #grace #copticorthodox #donotfear #orthodoxy #dailyreadings #coptic
“My Lord Jesus Christ … Make me worthy to go along the way of the saints. Keep me firm in the Orthodox faith, to keep the commandments and not to care about what is in this world. My Lord Jesus Christ, protect me. My Lord Jesus Christ shelter me in the shadow of Your wings. …