“As salt is needed for all kinds of food, so humility is needed for all kinds of virtues.” – St. Isaac the Syrian #salt #virtues #dailyreadings #coptic #copticorthodox #fasting #lent
“The Lord knew that vanity may spring from every good thing, and therefore bids us root out the bramble of vain-gloriousness which springs in the good soil, that it choke not the fruit of fasting. For though it cannot be that fasting should not be discovered in any one, yet is it better that fasting …
“It is befitting of the divine temple to have incense of the sweetest fragrance. Every virtue is a mental incense, well received by the God of all.” – St. Cyril the Great #templeofGod #HeDwellsInsideYou #HeWalksAmongUs #HisPeople #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox
“We are not made for ourselves alone, we are made for the good of all our fellow creatures.” St Gregory the Theologian #preaching #KingdomofGod #Salvation #Godiswithus #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox