Category: News

New Priest Ordained in Birmingham: Fr. Peter

On 6-11-2005, HG Bishop Missael of Birmingham ordained a new priest who is: Fr. Peter Fathy. Our congratulations to Birmingham and the new priest. (Taken from the El-Keraza English Magazine)

A Second Coptic Orthodox Church in Wales

H.G. Bishop Missael has reported to the Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church that a Church was bought in the tourist city of Llandudno in the north of Wales. The nearest church to congregation of this area was St. Mary and St. Mina’s Church in Manchester. And the congregation was served in rented churches …

Fr. Bishoy Elevated to Hegumen

On Sunday 8th May 2005, His Grace Bishop Missael prayed the Divine Liturgy in the Church of St. Mary & St. Mina in Manchester where he elevated Fr. Bishoy Nagiub to the rank of Hegumen.  May our Lord Jesus Christ keep them in their service for many years and peaceful times.