Category: News

Statement from the Holy Synod Regarding Inflammatory Film Against Islam

The Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church issued a statement after its meeting on Wednesday September 12, 2012, condemning the funding and production of the film that insulted Islam and it’s prophet saying its release at this specific time is part of a malicious campaign targeting defamation of religions aiming to divide the people, most notably …

Statement from the Patriarchal Locum Tenens Regarding Inflammatory Film Against Islam

The church learned that some of the Egyptians living abroad are aiming to divide people in Egypt by insulting Islam and it’s prophet. The church declares clearly and firmly that she rejects and condemns insulting Islam and that she respects Islam and moslems who are partners in our nation and humanity and rejects hurting their feelings and beliefs …

Announcement of Papal Selection dates

The Holy Synod and Nominations Committee of the Coptic Orthodox Church have announced that the new pope to succeed His Holiness the late Pope Shenouda III, the 117th Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of Holy See of St. Mark, will be chosen on Sunday 2nd December 2012.  The Papal Selection Timeline: 15-30 September Period for …

Announcement of Papal Candidates

The Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church has officially announced the candidates for the Papal Seat of St. Mark the Evangelist as follows: H.E. Metropolitan Bishoy H.G. Bishop Youannes H.G. Bishop Rophael H.G. Bishop Bevnotious of Samalout H.G. Bishop Boutros H.G. Bishop Tawadros of El-Bahaira  H.G. Bishop Kirollos of Milan  Fr. Rafael Avva Mina  …