Sin is trespassing. It is an ethical disease and an evil spiritual habit, which tears apart the spirit, and your life to wither. This disease hits the human nature, humiliates it, and causes it to be separated from God-The Creator. Before sin, man was pure, holy, and righteous, overshadowed with grace, glory and brilliance. He …
Sin extended its roots, and controlled the soul, and yet grace overshadows the soul, and its dawn is still lighting in the heart to prevent the flow of sin, but left in us some branches. We have to struggle and be studious in opposing it and to prevent its growth. We have to put in …
Man’s life is full of spiritual struggle, and psychological strive, never enough and never ends. For the flesh is still alive and filled with desires, while Satan proclaims the war against the soul, and will not achieve comfort or quit struggling till we cry out victoriously and in a joyful voice saying; “O death, where …
When the devil throws us with his arrow and terrorizes us by his war, this is not only slander and anger against us, but also because he is an enemy of God, and is in violation with Him. And since the devil cannot harm God, so he avenges from His creatures by deceiving them, to …
Our whole life is full of trials, pain and temptations, for we are sojourners and strangers in the place of our exile, thus, it is not surprising if we are afflicted with many trials, and hardships in this valley of pain and misery. You see, my beloved, we are not safe from a trial before …