In your discipleship you do not learn from the words of your teachers, but from their behaviour and way of life. Even when they say nothing, you still absorb their way of living, by absorbing the good qualities, standards and patterns which they demonstrate in their life. The ear is not the only means of …
Although all life should be holy, God has appointed for us holy days and times. If we are trained to keep these days holy, we will take them as examples for the rest of the days… Because man perhaps cannot practically be permanently cautious or in steady enthusiasm all the days of his life, …
Never be afraid of the devil, for in spite of all his talents and intrigues, he is weak before God’s children as the Lord has said, “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.” (Luke 10: 18) The Lord trod on him on the Cross He is no longer “the prince of the world” as …
Scientists do not say that the earth was part of the sun and separated from it, otherwise the sun will be missing this portion. What scientists say is that earth is part of the solar system and not of the sun itself. It was part of the Nebula; that fiery mass which was no doubt …
God created light on the first day as the Bible indicated. But, what light? It is the substance of light, the shining mass of fire from which God made the sun, the moon and the stars on the fourth day. On the fourth day also God established the astronomical laws and the permanent relation between …