Author: The Late Thrice Blessed Pope Shenouda III

Monasticism in Egypt

I want to tell you now about Coptic monasticism. Egypt is considered the motherland of monasticism. The first monk in the whole world was St. Anthony, a Copt from Upper Egypt. He was born in the year 251 and departed in the year 356; he lived 105 years. During this period he established monasticism and …

Commentary on the Gospel of Our Lord According to St. John

Before speaking on this subject, I wish to say that the three other gospels by St. Matthew, St. Mark, and St. Luke are called the “synoptic gospels”, which means gospels of one vision and similarity. But St. John’s gospel is a unique gospel. The first gospel that was written was the gospel of St. Mark. …

What is Love?

Love is to be directed first to God  If we wish to understand love in its true scriptural foundations, we must set before us (and understand) the following truth:  Love should be directed to God, before anyone or anything else This is what God revealed to us in the Book of Deutoronomy: “…” (Duet 6:5)  …

On Intercessions

Apologetic on the Orthodox belief in intercession.   Our Church believes in the intercession of the Virgin Mary, the Angels and the Saints. Those who don’t share our view regarding the intercession of the saints, usually cite 1Jn 2:1: “We have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous”. They also cite St. Paul: …

The Sacrament of Baptism

The Lord said, “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved” (Mark 16:16). The Lord did not say he that believeth shall be saved, but considered baptism as a condition, besides faith…   THE EFFECTIVENESS OF BAPTISM 1.SALVATION THROUGH BAPTISM:  The Lord said: “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved” (Mark 16:16). …