Author: The Late Thrice Blessed Pope Shenouda III

Isn’t God the absolute goodness? How then is it said about Him that He is the maker of peace and creator of evil (Is. 45:7) while evil doesn’t agree with God’s nature.

We should know first the meaning of the word “good” and the word “evil” in the biblical terminology for they have more than one meaning. The word “evil” could mean sin which is not the case in the verse “creator of evil” in (Is. 45:7). “Evil” meaning sin doesn’t agree with the goodness of the …

(Gen. 6:2) describes before the account of the flood “that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful,. and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose.” Who are the sons of God? and who are the daughters of men?

The sons of God are the descendants of Seth and the daughters of men are the descendants of Cain. After the slaying of Abel the righteous, Adam begot another son and named him Seth, “for God has appointed another seed for me instead of Abel” (Gen. 4:25) “And as for Seth, to him also a …

In Genesis there are two stories about the creation of man, the first is in the first chapter where God created man; male and female, and the second is in the second chapter where Adam and Eve were created. Do these two accounts coincide with each other?

The story of making man is one story for the same man. The account is mentioned as a whole in the first chapter but in detail in the second chapter. In the first chapter, the making of man was part of all the process of creation. Then the details came in the second chapter about …

Types [of Personalities That God Used]

In our celebration of the Apostles’ Fast and the Apostles’ Feast, we find that our fathers the apostles were of so many types. Each of the apostles was of a type: Peter was different that Thomas and both were different from John the beloved. And in reality these types were not only different among the …

He Loved Them to the End (Jn 13:1)

When He says His own who are in the world it is because He has His own in Heaven and not only in the world like angels and spirits of the virtuous. He loved His own who are in the world applies to both testaments the old and the new. Really, The earth is the …