Author: The Late Thrice Blessed Pope Shenouda III

Is the body the element of sin in a person? Is it the cause of all sins? Is it accountable for sins so as it might be called the body of sin? Does it sin alone and the spirit has no hand in the matter because what the spirit desires is opposed to the fles

If the flesh had been evil in itself, God would have not created it. We observe that after creating man, flesh and spirit, “God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.” (Gen 1:31). So, God did not create the flesh …

To what extent can a mad person be held accountable for his sins? Or is he accountable at all?

It is well known that according to one’s aptness and discerning one is held accountable by God. Madness is of various degrees and types. There may be a person who is mad with regard to a certain subject and in other cases he behaves as if he is completely sane so that those who do …

Is conscience God’s voice?

No, conscience is not God’s voice, because conscience often errs whereas God’s voice never does. The best evidence of this is found in the words of the Lord Christ to His disciples, for He said to them, “They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will …

Why did God create man? Did he create man to worship and glorify Him?

God did not create man to worship and glorify Him; for God does not need any glorification or worship from man. Before creating man, God was glorified and worshipped by the angels and even then He was not in need of being glorified by the angels. He is glorified by His own attributes. God lacks …

Does man have a free will or not? And if he does, is it for everything?

There are certain matters which man has no choice. A person has no choice regarding the country in which he was born, the people amidst whom he grew up, the parents who brought him into existence, the environment in which he was brought up and its impact on him, nor the way he was brought …