Impression is an influence on one’s heart and thoughts to be convinced of something, but: 1. Can there be any relation between impression and raising of the dead? A person may impress a living person and influence his heart and thoughts, but cannot have any influence on the dead whereas the Lord Christ raised the …
Who partakes of or unites with God in His nature, becomes God! This is against sound faith. Only those who believe in deifying man (in nature not mere title) say this and it is part of the heresy “unity of existence” by which man thinks of himself more highly than he ought to think (Rom …
By Christ’s ascension to heaven is meant His ascension in the body, because the Godhead does not ascend or descend, for He is present in heaven and earth and in between filling all. What the disciples saw was the ascension in the body (Acts 1:9). As for sitting on the Father’s right, God has no …
Religion leads people to God and teaches them about God, about His commandments, the way of worshipping Him and their relationship with Him. Therefore, any religion should be to the whole world because God is the God of all people and His way is for all people. This is applicable to both Christianity and Judaism. …
Incarnation does not mean limitation, because God is not bounded within a certain place. When He was in the body in a certain place, He was in the Godhead everywhere. It is the same as we say that God was speaking with Moses on the Mountain but He was not only on the Mountain but …