Author: The Late Thrice Blessed Pope Shenouda III

Is social service the work of the Church or that of other institutions?

The Lord Jesus Christ was active in both these areas alike. He was concerned with the spirit and with the body as well. The Bible says: ” Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the …

If circumstances hinder me from my actually committing a sin (which I had been intending to commit), can it still be counted against me as a sin, even though I have not done it?

You might imagine, my friend, that the only form of sin is the sinful act! In fact the action is only the final stage of the sin, for sin begins first in the heart, with the love of evil and the heart’s responding to it, then it enters into the stage of being carried out. …

What was the first sin which the world came to know?

The first sin which the world recognised was that of pride… It was the first sin into which Satan fell when he said: “I will exalt my throne above the stars of God… I will be like the Most High. ” (Is. 14:13-14). This was the first sin which mankind was attacked by, when the …

Are vows permissible or forbidden?

The Bible in fact says: “Better not to vow than to vow and not pay. ” (Eccl. 5:5). A vow is an expression of an agreement between a human being and God, so there is no going back on it. The vow, however, must be healthy from the spiritual point of view, though, because it …

What should I do about being nosey and over-curious about other people’s affairs, because I suffer from this habit and want to be rid of it. I want to know how to stop being like this and how to avoid making this mistake.

Being nosey, or prying, is a desire to know other people’s secrets and personal affairs, whether it is through reading about them, or hearing or speaking about them, directly or indirectly. Prying is something wrong, both from the spiritual and from the social point of view. People are supposed to respect other people’s secret and …