The sacraments cannot be sold, because they are derived from the work of the Holy Spirit. And the gifts of the Holy spirit are not to be purchased by money (Acts 8:20). However, if on the occasion of a baptism a person wants to give something to the Church, not as payment but as an …
The basic difference between criticism and condemnation is that criticism is objective, whereas condemnation is something directed towards more personal aspects. Healthy criticism is a form of analysis, and a process of careful evaluation which highlights good as well as bad points, and gives the subject its full dues, making excuses for any weaknesses if …
The sin that is done in public, punish in public. And the theological error which is broadcast openly in public, should be publicly refuted. And conversely, those mistakes which are made in private, or theological errors which a person might fall into without anyone else knowing about it, can all be dealt with or punished …
There are cases when it is right and necessary to act swiftly, and others, calling for deliberation and patience, where to act quickly would be harmful… Take punishment, for example: when this is carried out too quickly, no scope is provided for investigation, for justice, or for close examination, or for finding out the extent …
Every human being in the world faces problems in his life. The way in which people deal with such problems, react to them, or let themselves be affected by them, varies. This depends on the personality and the mental attitude of each individual, and also on his experience… There are some types of people who …