God is working continuously, in all times and all ages. When He rested on the seventh day, He moved from the work of creation to pastoral work. It was said about Him that He “shall neither slumber nor sleep.” (Ps 121:4) We should never give up hope, for God is always working for us. He …
We pray this as a supplication in the prayer of every hour of the Agpeya. It starts with “Have mercy on us, O God, and have mercy on us,” where we say “guide our way, guide our life toward Your commandments.” This statement holds a humbleness of heart: man admits his personal weakness and his …
The worthiness of each of us, whether of the Kingdom of Heaven, salvation, communion or even our worthiness of prayer and worthiness of service and priesthood, is a matter that needs to be examined. I will also talk about repentance as a condition for worthiness and about unworthiness as evidence of repentance.
In the evening of the last Thursday, Maundy Thursday, when the Lord Christ was on His way to Gethsemane, then to trial and crucifixion, He said to the Father as if reporting His ministry on earth, “I have glorified You on the earth.” The Lord Christ – at the end of His Incarnation period on …
Death is an alien and a stranger to humanity. When God created man, He formed him for life; He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being. God wished him life and perpetuity, but man’s choice was inclined towards sin. Man thus brought death upon himself as a result …