Author: H.G. Bishop Youssef

I am suffering from laziness and lack of energy. Can you help me?

His Grace Bishop Youssef: A student’s day schedule can be overwhelmingly packed with lectures to attend, people to meet, studying, and decisions to make. If students do not learn how to mange their time properly, they can be in trouble. Everyday, we must desire and seek the will and guidance of God. Making good decisions, …

I have a very close friend of the opposite gender and we love each other as friends; and we’ve spoken about keeping our friendship pure. We’ve become very close and we sometimes hug. Although neither of us feels lust, I wonder if what we are doing is wron

His Grace Bishop Youssef: What you are doing is playing with fire. Examine where this relationship is leading you. You have started as regular friends; then you love each other ‘as friends’; then you have become ‘very close’ that you sometimes ‘hug’. Can you see the trend? The next is going to be a little …

What should I do when my mind wanders during prayer?

The following advice comes from Theophan the Recluse (1815-1894), a Russian Orthodox saint best known for his work, Unseen Warfare, and his spiritual counsels to beginners, especially youth. In order to facilitate the development of true prayer, take these steps: Keep a prayer rule according to the blessing of your spiritual father – not more than you can …

How can I deal with hindrances in prayer?

During prayer there sometimes occur moments of deadly darkness and spiritual anguish arising from unbelief of the heart (for unbelief is darkness). Do not let your heart fail you at such moments, but remember that if the Divine light has been cut off from you, it always shines in all its splendour and greatness in …

Why must we use the Agpeya in prayer? Can a person just use their own words if they feel that it helps them get closer to God, or would this be disobeying the Church? Also, as time goes by, are we supposed to be growing in how many psalms we recite from t

First, I would like to refer you to a well-written article on the Agpeya in the first issue of the Mighty Arrows (vol 1, no 1). After reading the article, let’s examine the work of prayer. A well practiced prayer pleases God a lot. St John Chrysostom says, “Prayer was described as incense because of …