Author: H.G. Bishop Youssef

Did God create dinosaurs? Did they really walk upon the earth? Can you explain why it was never mentioned in the Holy Bible?

His Grace Bishop Youssef: We know that dinosaurs existed. Therefore, yes! God had created them. The Holy Bible says “So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kind and every winged bird according to its kind….” (Gen 1:21). Here, “great” …

Why is dancing wrong? God did not forbid dancing overtly in the Holy Bible. Many people danced (David, Miriam … Aaron’s sister…)

His Grace Bishop Youssef: To be a Christian is to imitate the Lord Jesus Christ and follow His footsteps. In any situation we should learn to always ask ourselves ‘What Would Jesus Do?” Our Lord said, “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me” (Mt 11:29). Do you think if He were with us …

I have a boyfriend whom I like to talk to on the phone. We do not have bad conversation we’re just friends. Is this sinful or bad behavior?

His Grace Bishop Youssef: I want you to ask yourself what do you mean, “We’re just friends”? What does this friendship give you that no other same sex friendship can give? As a Christian, when you are about to make friends with someone, you should ask yourself, is Jesus Christ the center of this relationship? …

How can one get rid of evil, disturbing thoughts? Regardless of frequent repentance and prayers, disturbing thoughts keep coming back.

His Grace Bishop Youssef: In responding to how to be rid of persistent evil thoughts, one of the early fathers Abba Pimen answered: “If a man has on one side of him fire, and on the other side a vessel with water, then if he starts burning from the fire, he takes water from the …

How can I help my friend who is addicted to drugs and does not see it is wrong?

His Grace Bishop Youssef: Pray for your friend and talk to her about how our body is a gift from God and it is the temple of the Holy Spirit. we should take care of it and not ruin it with drugs. If your friend does not see that it is wrong and if she …