His Grace Bishop Youssef: In the parable of the “Prodigal Son”, we learn a great deal about confession. The priest is your spiritual father to whom has been assigned the task of monitoring your spiritual growth. Confession to the spiritual father is evident; for once the son repented of his sin and returned to his …
His Grace Bishop Youssef: Repentance is the first step but you need confession to have your sins absolved. Our Lord commanded His disciples saying, “If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained” (John 20:23). This authority was passed on from the Lord …
His Grace Bishop Moussa: Because we are not infallible, it is expected that we may commit the same sins again, especially during Certain stages of life. But you must always struggle against this sin by nourishing yourself spiritually in order to be victorious, and you must cofess your sins to the priest so that he …
His Grace Bishop Youssef: In order to take communion at the Catholic Church or any other church we should be united in faith with that Church. The Catholic Church adopted several doctrines such as, the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Son, the Immaculate Conception of St. Mary, the purgatory, the infallibility of the …
His Grace Bishop Youssef: To say ‘fifty-five days of fasting are too long’ is quite a strong statement that does not build spiritually; but gives the impression that we are negotiating and wanting to give God what we think He deserves and nothing more. Fasting becomes very hard when we start counting it by days …