Author: H.G. Bishop Moussa

Sometimes I feel pressured to have a boyfriend. Is it okay to have a boyfriend if I don’t do anything wrong?

His Grace Bishop Moussa: As His Holiness Pope Shenouda says, Have many boyfriends and many girlfriends, but if you are …

Is there anything wrong with having different types of hairstyles, because, for example, in Leviticus 19:27, it says, “You shall not shave the sides of your head…”?

His Grace Bishop Moussa: The problem is not with the hairstyle, but with the essence of the person inside. When …

Can a priest tell others about a sin I confessed?

His Grace Bishop Moussa: NEVER! I assure you that a priest is not allowed to tell your secrets to anyone …

What can I do when my parents drive me crazy?

His Grace Bishop Mousa: It is important first to look at yourself. Are you egocentric and unwilling to let your …