“Go your way; behold, I send you out as lambs among wolves.” Luke 10:3 . As St. Augustine says, these wolves devour up the lambs and so the wolves are transformed into lambs. It is a mission not to devour His apostles, but to convert the wolves into lambs by means of the meekness of His lambs, that is His apostles. As St. John Chysostom says, “He is above all the one who knows the nature of things: that ferocity is not put out by other ferocity, but by gentleness”. #lambsamongwolves #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #ApostlesFast

“Go your way; behold, I send you out as lambs among wolves.” Luke 10:3 . As St. Augustine says, these wolves devour up the lambs and so the wolves are transformed into lambs. It is a mission not to devour His apostles, but to convert the wolves into lambs by means of the meekness of His lambs, that is His apostles. As St. John Chysostom says, “He is above all the one who knows the nature of things: that ferocity is not put out by other ferocity, but by gentleness”. #lambsamongwolves #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #ApostlesFast


“Go your way; behold, I send you out as lambs among wolves.”
Luke 10:3
As St. Augustine says, these wolves devour up the lambs and so the wolves are transformed into lambs. It is a mission not to devour His apostles, but to convert the wolves into lambs by means of the meekness of His lambs, that is His apostles. As St. John Chysostom says, “He is above all the one who knows the nature of things: that ferocity is not put out by other ferocity, but by gentleness”. #lambsamongwolves #dailyreadings #coptic #orthodox #ApostlesFast