Does the Incarnation of the Lord mean that He is limited within certain boundaries though He is limitless?

Does the Incarnation of the Lord mean that He is limited within certain boundaries though He is limitless?

Incarnation does not mean limitation, because God is not bounded within a certain place. When He was in the body in a certain place, He was in the Godhead everywhere. It is the same as we say that God was speaking with Moses on the Mountain but He was not only on the Mountain but was at the same time everywhere managing the whole world with its continents. Likewise when God was speaking with Abraham and when He appeared to other prophets, He was at the same time in every other place.

When we say that God is on His throne, we do not mean that He is only on the throne but He is also glorified here and present everywhere. His throne is in heaven, His throne is also in every place where He is glorified. He is in heaven and heaven is not vast enough for Him.

When He spoke to Nicodemus in Jerusalem, He said, “No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven.” (John 3:13). That is, He was in heaven while speaking to Nicodemus in Jerusalem.

He was in the body visible in some place. At the same time in the Godhead He was invisible in other places.

As Godhead He is in every place, but the people see Him in the body in a certain place. This does not contradict with His being in the Godhead in all earth and heaven as the Godhead is unlimited.