Who is Kedar? Kedar is mentioned in (Ps. 120:5) and (Song. 1:5).

Who is Kedar? Kedar is mentioned in (Ps. 120:5) and (Song. 1:5).

Kedar is the second son of Ishmael, the son of Hagar (Gen. 25:13). The area where he lived was called after his name also (Jer. 49:28). The children of Kedar lived in tents that were black in colour or looked black because of the smoke of the fire that warmed them at night. Perhaps this is what the virgin of the Song of songs meant when she said “I am dark, but lovely, O daughters of Jerusalem, like the tents of Kedar… ” (Song. 1:5). The psalmist mentioned “the tents of Kedar” as a sojourn country (Ps. 120:5).